Click Inside New Deal Ink Toner

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

START A HOME BASED BUSINESS NDITC If you own a computer printer, or know people that own computer printers is easily understood the computer printers must have inkjet or laser toner printer cartridges, kind of like the banana and the banana split. You might also agree that printer cartridges and laser toner printer cartridges are very expensive. Go to Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Staples or Office Max and take a look at their huge selection of printer cartridges and take a moment and look at the retail prices.

Your under-employment or unemployment can be ended and staying up all night worrying about money is just about over. 

People just like you are tired of tightening their belt and want a financial break to earn more money and gain their prosperity back again.  There is a man in central Pennsylvania through several years of hard work and most importantly hard thought has created a steering mechanism for your future. He’s a fortune 500 specialist and he’s spent his career managing very large organizations that were struggling with the “nouns of business” people, places and things. 

He always worked at least twelve hours a day but he spent his precious days and nights during the weekends planning his own small business fortune.  Over the many years of his fortune 500 management career he had traveled the United States from coast to coast and already enjoyed the wonderful family, large home, new cars and money in the bank but, he also knew many a good man was struggling to survive the grinding on the great American recession.

He could never resist working late and experimenting with the modern tools of management, process controls, finance, marketing and sales and human resources.  It remained only as a test business plan because he didn’t have all the parts together just yet and there was still a lot of testing to be done once he completed his small business prototype.   He knew his idea would put the fire in the money stove for thousands of want-to-be small business owners but he needed a strong spark of new thoughts and energy.  His wife knew that he was completely absorbed in his work and was always dripping with ideas to help his fortune 500 employers and clients so working late into the night was nothing new.

When he did go to bed he didn’t really sleep too long because he wanted to keep working on his business planning even when he was too tired to think.  He would change his mind and start over and then he would finish a small business plan and then throw it away.  He would wait a minute and then start again because he would change his mind again.

His wife stood and watched him open the letter he received in the mail several years ago even as the light snow was falling on the frozen ground and the sidewalks that would need to be shoveled before too long. His voice was shaky with excitement as he read the letter out loud that would become the actual free market proof that his theories didn’t waste time it created cash profits for his very first business blueprint customer. 

Slowly and carefully he read the letter again because it was from his first customer and also contained a check made out to NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company in the amount of $1,500.  The check amount seemed to jump out at him because it meant a real person, a stranger, believed enough in the NDITC small business plan to fill out the order form, issue a fifteen hundred dollar check and mail it to Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania.

In his mind it wasn’t about the money and he steadily handed to his wife the check for $1,500 as she would be making the first bank deposit for the New Deal Ink and Toner Company.  

He described his feelings about his first paid customer as a flower pot that was revealing the very first glimpse of a new healthy plant.  He described the future of the company as a straight line fence that stretched for miles and with tens of thousands of flower pots holding and protecting the sprouting new money-making businesses that he would help create. 

His wife anxiously tried to keep pace with his vision even as he moved widely from side to side trying his best to describe the NDITC future and the fortunate future of their clients.  The snow covered sidewalks would have to wait because of the rattling of new ideas and dreams that would be brought to the North American market in jerks and jumps one little idea at a time.

She hurried to make some coffee because gallantly he would work all weekend and there was nothing she could do to stop him even if she wanted help with the sidewalks.  His thoughts took him from building his own inkjet and toner printer cartridge factory or just trying to get enough capital to open a national chain store operation.  He was interested in everything that jumped into his mind but he had to be very careful not to skip around and stay with the original business idea.

He didn’t have a lot of time because he was still fully engaged with a fortune 500 company and he had to be concerned with their problems and opportunities.  Having accomplished something for his own company NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company his spare time efforts were still focused to accomplish more and more.

Apparently his wife asked him how he was getting along at work as she handed him, as routine would have it, his daily portion of home mail delivered by the post office. She laughed at him as he accepted a pile of mail, mostly of white business envelopes, and all addressed to the New Deal Ink and Toner Company and watched his enjoyment.  

With NDITC business plan improvements being authored into the inkjet and laser toner small business plans she laughed at him a little more as he started to open his home business mail. He remarked quietly that every one of the envelopes except one contained an order form and a check made payable to NDITC in various amounts for the various plans offered.  In amazement he sat in his living room chair with the order forms and checks in his hands and with little reluctance announced that he was going to quit his job at his fortune 500 employer as their Learning, Performance and Development Specialist.

His little NDITC business machine was running and creating customers and income and he would have to learn how to steer his business into prosperity. Incidentally it was an odd moment because his wife remarked quietly that he should stay with his job to improve and grow his own business idea with the money he earned from his conventional salary.  

She didn’t know if she was prepared and maybe she wasn’t really convinced that her husband, with 29 years of executive experiences, could create his own national business.  He spent several weeks hesitating just a little between the two conclusions. Stay with his current employer with all security that it created or take the chance of change and operate his own money making business?

He decided to take the big chance on himself.  He didn’t stumble into this NDITC plan as he spent years researching the market, the manufacturing base, the supply chain retailers and all the financial statements to learn and understand the actual inkjet and toner printer cartridge market.  

He had learned so much and worked so hard and he knew that giant global manufacturing companies like Apple, Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP Hewlett Packard, Kyocera, Lexmark, Minolta, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, Ricoh, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox, Konica, Lanier, Mita, I.B.M., Olivetti, N.C.R., Fujitsu and hundreds more hire Madison Avenue advertising agencies to tout their supply chain partners like Staples, Apple, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Target, Office Max, Sears, Ross Stores, T J Max, Best Buy, K-Mart, Radio Shack and even Payless Shoes so you’ll forget or never find out that their marmalade of sales and profits are based on communist slave-type labor in countries like communist China and communist Vietnam.

He also knew that he had a totally different view of the global economy and the regular guy or gal in America didn’t really understand the free enterprise system they just wanted to pay their bills, buy their groceries and educate their children.  But he also knew that these regular hard working people were enthusiastic about owning their own money making home based business, they just didn’t know how to get started.  He knew that honest and hard working people needed the knowledge, not the novelty stuff you find searching around the internet but the insider knowledge of the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business, and most importantly needed a real-life, full-size, money-making business plan that they could afford.

The typical man and wife couldn’t afford $200,000 for an inkjet toner cartridge franchise offer or even private consulting fees that start at $25,000 to $75,000 to get little advice or help after their check clears the bank.

He also knew that NDITC could make a much more powerful small business plan for a lot less money because he was planning on tens of thousands of NDITC consulting clients.  The big franchise offers went after the “charge them too much” and “clean-up and take the money and run” business planning.  

He was busy improving the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business model that would make them more powerful and efficient for his clients.  Every NDITC small business plan will always include one fundamental point; you can still live the American dream and create wealth, prosperity and happiness and never work for another man again.

He’s got the small business plan that saves the client a great deal of time and worry.  The NDITC client doesn’t have to work as hard to achieve his financial goals and will make more money by not spending or wasting time or money.  Rich men don’t need these plans as they’re authored for regular hard working men and women that want prosperity.  These plans are spreading rapidly now after all those years of receiving a few orders a day.  Thanks to the internet the message is out in the open and thousands of people visit the web site every year.

Some wealthy men still hunt down the founder of NDITC and offer him capital and machines to build a massive national business.  These same people still want to float a massive company but, he’s not interested because he wants all those privately owned flower pots to plant the seeds of their own success.  The opportunity is built around the self-governed individual that wants to own their own profitable business.  

It’s the little guy that creates the owners job first and then another job. He’s o.k. with making a smaller profit margin for a larger quantity of customer clients.  His plans are not about immediate profits they’re about building long lasting profitable companies that families can pass on to the next generation of family members.

His wife returned to her cheerful acceptance of Greg working all day and most of the night and she also became enthusiastic as the possibilities became clearer every day.  The NDITC Company is organized, growing and the word is spreading just like a fire crossing the prairie.  She still heats his coffee and scrambles his eggs but makes him promise not to work too late as she spreads the Sunday newspaper out on the kitchen table to cut out her grocery coupons. 

People like the idea of a test drive so NDITC will always give a new client a little ride so they can test out the money-making business plan.  These little test drives have great consequences for new clients because they start planning their own seeds of prosperity. Operating your very own inkjet and laser toner printer, copier and fax business is a sure money maker for your family and friends. 

People will simply write and without any disappointment they can test drive NDITC Plan 7A for a few dollars that doesn’t cause any illness to their wife.

I hope you have the uncontrollable itch for your own small business. If you’re one of the millions of young men and women looking for that avenue of small business opportunity you’re in the right place. 

Hello; my name is Gregory and within the last six years I have discovered a whole new avenue of opportunity paved with cash profits and a lot of new friends. Many young people are enterprising and itch for a business of their very own. There are many golden pots at the end of several particular rainbows but, many of them are out of reach for the majority of first time entrepreneurs.

Today in America we have hundreds of thousands of college graduates that are wasting their time and education looking for a job. Looking for any particular job in this economy and going home and starting over the next day just becomes a massive waste of time, money and energy. Many people, in fact thousands of people, have discovered my organization called NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company.

I’m sure you own a personal computer or a laptop computer and I’ll bet you that 84% of the people reading this also own a computer printer. The majority of people reading this also own or at the very least have access to some brand of automobile. Almost 100%, in fact 97% of people reading this understand that you must have a banana to create a banana split, no matter the flavor.

If you own a computer printer, or know people that own computer printers is easily understood the computer printers must have inkjet or laser toner printer cartridges, kind of like the banana and the banana split. You might also agree that printer cartridges and laser toner printer cartridges are very expensive. Go to Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Staples or Office Max and take a look at their huge selection of printer cartridges and take a moment and look at the retail prices.

Over the last six years I’ve made the rounds of printer cartridge factories and their wholesalers from around the world. I’ve studied their equipment and their finances which includes the cost to manufacture the cartridges, maintain and support the supply chain and the gross retail profit margins.

My proposition explained and considered by many American Manufacturing Companies revealed the glimmerings of shining new profits for a shiny new business model and plan. The entire NDITC plan is to provide high quality inkjet and toner printer cartridges and other supplies to the end user consumer at a greatly reduced retail price.

I’ve also toured many inkjet and toner refilling businesses around the country and found worn-out refilling equipment, imported cartridge parts made wrong, racks and racks of unsold printer cartridges, portable equipment to clean and test printer cartridges and all sorts of other machinery of the modern refill refilling printer cartridge business covered in plastic with months of dust covering everything.

The modern printer cartridge refill refilling recharging business owner was promised a six-figure income but all they ever received were very high interest franchise financing, several imported refilling machines that were assembled in America and a host of promises that never really come true. 

Within a short time, about one or two years the small inkjet toner refill refilling recharging business owner would run out of cash, couldn’t pay the store rent or lease, ended up working 70 to 80 hours per week only to put their business up for sale and try to cover all the debts. There are no thumping inkjet toner refill refilling profits unless you have at least $10 to $15 million dollars to invest in a real life size manufacturing plant, full of modern machines at $40K to $60K each and dozens of full time associates will full health benefits, vacations and sick days.
The inkjet and toner printer cartridge business is truly a wealth creation business but it’s not for the little corner refill guy or a guy with a refilling machine in his garage. The people that sell the franchise or sell the inkjet refill refilling machines can set you up in business but once they get their cash or at least the promise of more and more cash you’re on your own. 

You can find many active franchise offers that can set you up in business but frequently it’s about giving them all your money and long term cash commitments in the forms of revenue and sales royalties that makes you poor and them very rich.

You have a deep yearning to own your own business but rarely will the reality of a franchise ever match the dream shown in their brochures. They show you sparkling numbers and estimated profits but they never tell you the entire story. Franchise offers and refill refilling machine maker’s heap on all the good news and leave off all the bad. They know you want your own business so they sell you the dream and the promise.

My own Fortune 500 career offers up my clients the dramatic truth about the ink and toner business as NDITC has become the leading inkjet and toner printer cartridge consulting company in North America. We (NDITC) provide the know-how, the expert education, training and development and the real factory wholesale sources for your sales and inventory needs.
Go to Google and type in (wholesale printer cartridges) and discover the hundreds of thousands of companies that spring up from your internet search. The results you receive are false; at least 99.99% of the results you receive are false as the companies are not the real factory wholesalers. Inkjet and toner printer cartridge factories are very limited around the world. 

The top major brands like HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother and all the others have very few factories and none of them are located within the United States. These big brands retail their inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges at astronomical prices and earn tens of billions in sales every year and billions in profits. These same companies don’t advertise their factories and never reveal their wholesale prices except to a very elite few that represent their retail supply chain.

To obtain this NDITC information it took insider information and a great deal of research but it has been discovered. NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company is interested in honest, high quality, motivated and hard working people to join up with NDITC within the “NDITC PERFECT 36 Business Plan”. You'll be able to start your own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge for penny's on the dollar.

We have conceived a profitable business structure that creates gross sales and profits for our clients so we’re in the process of creating a chain of franchise operations without the franchise. You never have to buy expensive inkjet and toner refill refilling recharging machines. You never pay high royalty fees and by the way you never pay any retail space rent. No need to worry about a payroll service because you don’t need any store associates, you don’t need a cash register and you never have to pay your states sales taxes. Your inventory insurance will be paid by other business owners and you can open as many stores that you can afford for about 10% to 25% of the typical costs.

NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company are like having a complete staff of specialists that go to work for you and planning your business. Retail traffic patterns, research and investigations, reports and plans, blueprints and guides, workbooks and seminars for your own retail business development is all provided under our strict contract of terms and services.
There’s much more and we offer thorough course training in all phases of the NDITC business plans and programs. They include everything from selling techniques to installation of cartridges. Our own NDITC advertising and graphics department can design your business cards, logo and even your store signs. You’ll learn about insurance, showroom displays and furnishings, mailing permits and a host of incidentals that can earn you a great deal of real cash income. Every detail is planned; every step is reviewed so your new business can earn cash profit on every cartridge that you sell.

Many people like flirting with the idea of their own business but, so many never take the first step. If you finally decide on the idea of owning your own business, creating wealth, using and understanding the free enterprise system simply send us a note of interest. We’re taking applications for the “NDITC PERFECT 36 Business Plan” so simply ask for the application.
Thank you
Http://www.NewDealInk.Com he reseller choice is the New Deal Ink and Toner Company Business Plan
NDITC Become A Millionaire NDITC We’re the first nationwide organization (NDITC) that provides you with direct professional consulting, training, performance development and start up guidance for your own inkjet and toner printer cartridge business We’re (NDITC) helping 43,000 people, people just like you, start their own highly profitable inkjet and toner printer cartridge business for free Dealers Retailers Brokers Wanted HP Hewlett Packard Canon Epson Lexmark Dell Brother
NDITC Become A Millionaire Start Your Own Inkjet Toner Printer Cartridge Refilling Business, without Refill Refilling Machines and Never buy an expensive franchise. Gregory Bodenhamer Fortune 100 Consulting Specialist NDITC You can Start Your Own Inkjet Toner Printer Cartridge Business for Free, The Big Splash, Your own free business plan 1302. New Deal Ink and Toner Company, Mechanicsburg Pa 

100% Free Registration NDITC

Free The Most Popular Inkjet Laser Toner Printer Cartridge Small Business Planning in America. The Best Choice The Best Deal Money Making Inkjet Toner Printer Cartridge Business Plan in America Learn everything. The highest rated AAA SBA rated Fortune 100 Consulting Company NDITC Start Up Plans Ink Toner Cartridge Refill Business Articles Guides Manuals Suppliers Compatibles Manufacturers Reseller Importer Retail Store Guide Home Based Business Opportunity NDITC 2010-2011 Starting Your Inkjet Laser Toner Printer Cartridge Business Made Easy Books Articles Guides Instructions Suppliers NDITC Start Your Business, Inkjet Laser Toner Printer Cartridges Unemployment Compensation, Unemployment Business, Start Your Business on Unemployment, Free State Money, Free Federal Money, Free Grant Money Start Your Own Inkjet Toner Refill Refilling Printer Cartridge Small Business NDITC Guides Instructions Help Books Resources Drop Shipper Blind Shippers Importers Exclusive Free EBook Make Money Home Based or Store Front. Why Little Companies Fail How To Become The Success NDITC Start Making Money Secrets Solutions Success Stability Survival NDITC You're going to need some direction to make sure you don't make any mistakes along the way. Get advice from the experts at How can I find start-up grants for small business NDITC You can cash in by starting your own printer ink refilling or replacing business_ Refill Business Home Based _3500 Weekly Income.

We’ll get you started for free, without any further obligations. Yes, your own inkjet and toner printer cartridge business for free. Includes instructions, manual, business plans, wholesale – factory supplier and other exciting offers to start and profit within your own inkjet laser toner printer cartridge business.

Simply Register for Free NDITC Program 1302-1776 and gain access to your own inkjet and toner printer cartridge business. We’ll start sharing the money making secrets with you for free. No refilling machines. No complicated contracts. No franchise fees. No management fees, it’s called the New Deal Ink & Toner Company (NDITC)